As a church, we desire to pastor and serve our community in the knowledge of God and in the fear of the Lord (Jeremiah 3:15). Pastoral ministry is a critical component to our discipleship as we seek to build our lives on the rock of Christ’s word (Mt. 7:24-25).

What is Pastoral Care?
We believe that pastoral care exists for the maturing of the Church (Eph. 4:11-13). It is a gift that God has given to the Church so that we might become more like Jesus. Pastoral ministry is a means by which the Spirit helps us to become built up in maturity in the Son of God.

Who is Pastoral Care For?
In short, all believers are called to be pastored and discipled in the community that God has placed them in. As such, we are committed to walking with those who call HOUSE Denver their home church. If you would like to receive pastoral care from our leadership team we invite you to fill out the form attached below.

Here are a few preliminary expectations to be aware of if you would like to receive pastoral care from HOUSE Denver:

  • You view HOUSE Denver as your home church. Meaning, you are an active and engaged participant in the life of our community.
  • Upon submitting your form, your request will be reviewed by our pastoral care team and someone from that team will reach out to you within 5 business days to schedule a meeting with you.
  • Based on your form someone from our pastoral care team will meet with you. Please note that we do not accept requests for pastoral meetings with specific individuals as each form is thoughtfully prayed through and assigned to members of our team.
  • You desire to be challenged and have your life spoken into. You are ready to receive gentle feedback in the areas of your life that need to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
  • Please note that we do not provide professional counseling or therapy. If you are experiencing intense mental or emotional distress, we encourage you to seek professional assistance. If you are in danger or contemplating self-harm in any way, please call 911 for immediate help.